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Doing a school report? 
  (or just want to know more?)

* Where/When were you born?

     Dickinson, ND

     July 3, 1966

* How long have you been writing?

     I've been writing since I was old enough to hold         a pencil.  I've been publishing my writing since I

      was in high school.  So far, I have six published


* What do you like to do in your spare time?

     Spare time?  What's that?  When I do have      

     those rare free moments, I love to do creative 

     things  - drawing, decorating Pysanky

     (Ukrainian eggs,) knitting.  I also love to rock   

     hunt and I volunteer with raptors.

Artemis, the Peregrine Falcon, and I are teaching others about raptors 

* Raptors, you mean like dinosaurs? 

     No, I mean raptors: owls, hawks, falcons,

     eagles.  I volunteer at the Raptor Center

     in St. Paul, MN.  An amazing place. 

     Here's their website:  The Raptor Center

* I really want to be a published author.  How    can I do this?

    Before even thinking about publishing, you 

     should focus on writing.  Write a LOT and then  

     write some more.  And read.  A LOT.  Read books

     in genres that you love and books in genres that

     aren't your favorite.  Reading is what informs

     your writing.  Writing should always be your

     focus, not publishing.  

My spinning wheel.  It's fun to spin wool and other fibers into yarn. 

*What do you like to read?

   I love love love books! I love reading

   mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, 

   and of course historical fiction. 

   Here are some historical fiction

   books I would recommend.

Historical Fiction (Middle Grade)

Homeless Bird, by Gloria Whelan

Hattie Big Sky, by Kirby Larson

Number The Stars, by Lois Lowry

Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy, by Gary Schmidt

Matilda Bone, by Karen Cushman

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, by Avi

Esperanza Rising, by Pam Munoz Ryan

Bud Not Buddy, by Christopher Paul Curtis

Crispin: the Cross of Lead, by Avi


Ukrainian eggs I've made.  I learned how to do this when I was in middle school. 

Meet Franz.  He is named after the Czech writer Franz Kafka.  The writer Kafka and I were both born on July 3rd!

Meet Nadeje.  The word "nadeje" is the Czech word for "hope."  My Nadeje loves boxes!

© 2026 by Joan M Wolf

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